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Used Gear for Sale
To have your gear listed email FRFC:
Name of person to contact

How to contact (email/phone)

Item(s) for sale, list individually and include, description, manufacturer, size, condition, asking price.

Items will remain listed for one month. To re-list email FRFC.

Items currently available:


Shelley 719-246-2112  Call or text
Epee: $45

Linea Mask: $35

Linea Jacket (size 170): $30

Linea Chest guard (size small): $15

Linea Underarm (R handed size XS): $15

Linea Glove (R handed size 6): $10

Linea Rolling Bag, orange like new: $20

or  Price for whole package: $150


Contact: Michelle or text 719-201-7363

All are for right hand

Absolute Fencing black bag/red lettering, no wheels, $40- New

Linea Mens plastic Chest Protector, (1)Size M & (1)Size L: $20 each (Large is new)

Linea Size 9 glove: $10 (Blue & Grn)- New

Linea Size Lg underarm: $15- New

Linea Size 164 (Childs large)- Used/ has stains- great for practice & back up)-$10

Linea Size 58 jacket: $45 -New


Contact:  719-332-7147

Prieur Mask (used)  
Jacket S (used/clean)
Protector Size S (new/clean)
Chest protector Size S new/clean)
Glove Size 5 ½; (new/clean)
Epee Right-Handed (new)
Body cord (new)
Linea Black and Silver equipment bag used 4 times. 
$150.00 for all.


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